Monday, June 12, 2006

If I didn't have a Conscience...

My life would be Un-Freakin-Believable

But alas, my Conscience is alive and well and - for better or for worse - it fights with all that it has.


Christa said...

J- you are so going to regret not having the guts to menage a toi.... HAH.

And Pat, who pissed in your cheerios?? Or did J sleep with you and write you off? Because the way I see it, thanks to our forefathers and freedom and all that crap, J has every right to be as self-centered as he wants on HIS blog. And YOU have every right to NOT read it, if you don't like it. Why be an ass??? You're either outing yourself as someone who has been hurt personally by J or you're outing yourself as one of those patronizing bloggers who thinks they are better than everyone else. Geez. Take some valium and go watch TV instead.

morbid misanthrope said...

You're better off listening to your conscience. I ought to know; I once got really plowed on absinthe, and a cricket with a top hat told me so.

Hey, Pat Bunny. You sound like one of the dumb girls that flunked out of psychology 101 in college. I agree with Christa, too. You write like a jilted lover, trying to express estrogen-fueled rage in such a way that you don't come off like a hurt, bitter nutcase. Also, I'm all for using "big words," but when someone writes something so obviously influenced by the use of a thesaurus, they generally look like twats: long-winded, pretentious twats. I'm just saying.

J C said...

i was so close to either just deleting the bunny's comment, or writing out some long-winded reply that would basically shame the aforementioned bunny into blogger-isolation. i didn't do the latter because well, i forgot to, and i didn't do the former because well, that comment is just pure gold comedy. that's the only way to say it.

so enjoy, everyone. you won't find a comment like that on just any blog, no sirree.

and thanks to you guys who took the liberty of responding to the bunny. i'm not sure who this joker is, and i don't much care.

The Doctor said...

J- a little bit from one of my favorite movies seems appropriate...I'll just change a name for ya..

You're so money, you don't even know...

Please, don't mess with me right now...

We're not messing with you...

... we're not...

You're like this big bear with claws and

... and big fuckin' teeth...

... and teeth... And she's like this
little bunny cowering in the corner...


... And you're just looking at your claws
like "How do I kill this bunny?"...

...You're just poking at it...

... Yeah. You're just gently batting it
around... and the rabbit's all scared...

... and you got big claws and fangs...

... and fangs... and you're like "I don't
know what to do. How do I kill this

... you're like a big bear.

(J smiles.)