Saturday, June 10, 2006

Villa Adriana

In lieu of talking about my own personal problems (which have become exponentially more complicated over, say, the last 72 hours - and involve only the female gender - maybe this is why I went on "sabbatical" for so long), I'm simply going to post a nice picture or two.

Enjoy Villa Adriana.

Villa Adriana Canopo, originally uploaded by uncsuperman.

Villa Adriana Temple of Venus


morbid misanthrope said...

I have to say--and it's rare I say this--you're very blessed to be able to experience all of that. I was able to see a bit of Europe when I was, like, sixteen. I'd love to see the world, but there's no way I can. Forget girl problems, man. Enjoy life for you. You don't need anyone else to help you appreciate it....Anyway, back to your local broadcasting network...

Duh, I drink a lot. Duh!

Christa said...

More more more!!!!!

J C said...

morbid - your words are so true. i am blessed beyond words and certainly beyond that which i deserve. but i will take as much as i can get, while i can get it. and trust me, i'm keeping all girl problems in complete perspective (with your help, of course). thanks again, man.

christa - you CAN click on that little link right under my profile. the one that says "My Flickr Albums". yea, that would be where i put most of my pictures. kinda makes sense, don't it?

i'm not being sarcastic. not at all.

Christa said...

I totally visited your flickr albums and saw nothing!!! I mean, nothing new... am I in the wrong place perhaps? Send me a link! And quit treating me like a moron! You'll make me cry! And we all know how you love to make girls cry, you bad boy.

J C said...

christa - oh, you meant more than what's on my flickr page. there's 16 or so pics from villa adriana up there, but i have more on my camera.

that will take some time...something i don't have at this very moment, seeing as how i'm being "monitored" tomorrow in class and i have to get some sleep. and sorry for the sarcasm last time - i've been a little snappy here lately. perhaps all the "girl-inflicted stress" that i am currently under. also, i do nothing of the sort, making girls cry. it's never my fault. ever.

JT - thank you...i am trying, i promise. we never know what the tide may bring in...right??

oh yea, and another "good luck" to you.