Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Drops of Water

The beads of water falling across the glass simply erased all my other thoughts. They reminded me of tears.

Tears falling from sad eyes.

Tears rolling down sad cheeks.

Tears being wiped away by sad hands.

My, how I know those tears well. But then I began to realize something about these water droplets. They were cutting paths across the glass - leaving trails behind them. Trails that were impeccably clean.

No distortion. No obstructions. Behind them, a clean slate. A fresh beginning.

Tears may come from sadness. But they heal wounds. They cleanse and leave behind a cleared path.

Funny how washing your car can be the most profound of experiences.


luckylane said...

That's deep ... very deep. When I wash my car, my mind goes blank ... it's the only time that I get peace from myself.

J C said...

carol ann thank you for your words.
i'm glad you like it.

lucky - i hear ya man - i'm usually too focused on not letting water spots appear

but for some reason, i've been really introspective lately