Friday, September 16, 2005

I Must Be a Bore

Well, since no one is posting comments, then one would have to assume that no one is reading my pointless drivel. Although I got a nice comment (my only one!) from jennifer. Jennifer - send some backup, cause my ego's taking a beating.

Actually I jest. Kind of. I didn't start writing here in order to get attention. This isn't life or death, but it would be fantastic if I could get some steady feedback coming. I'm sure my writing is just horrendous according to all the Lit majors out there. Well, that's fine - but I'd like to get better. I guess that's kind of why I'm here.

I'm also here, maybe because I'm lonely. Who knows? This thing we call life is one great big dance. We start off with the tango, mix in a little slow dancing, maybe some salsa, then comes the grand ball room dancing. And all the while, we're switching partners, choosing partners - looking for someone to love - someone to make us complete. We dance to these different tunes and different rhythms, quietly hoping that somewhere, somehow, someone perfect is searching for us.

While in Spain, I met a girl. She's from Vancouver - a million miles and many different cultures from here. But we connected on a level that no 2 people have any right to connect on within a matter of days of meeting each other. She's in school - I'm wandering right now, enjoying the journey instead of worrying about the destination. Whether or not to go to her is a question I've been asking myself perpetually for the last 3 weeks now.

She has a great big life surrounding her. She says she wants me to come; she wants to be with me.

Would that be smart? Would it make sense? Should it make sense?

I don't know - all I know is that I wish people would make more comments...


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OK, you got yourself another comment! The Spain chick--it was all just the excitement of a new place, a new person. Don't stop your travels, and don't stop blogging. BTW, I found you because your blog was RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO MINE when I clicked the NEXT BLOG button...

Spleengrrl said...

Not a bore. Just that people gave up on the blog when nothing new was ever posted. Hopefully this will change?