Friday, November 11, 2005

Do You Know What It Means?

The words were written on the inside wall, above the front door. So that it was not blatant. You did not read them as you entered the home, but rather, as you were leaving it. As if that were meant to be the lasting impression - the most important impression.

Formed in a style that was flowing, rounded, soft. Almost in a way - feminine. Which contrasted quite distinctly with the actual words.

"Freedom Is Never Free"

It resounded with me immediately and it resounds with me to this day.

Someone, somewhere, paid the price for your freedom. And mine. A soldier stands on a wall with a gun, protecting you and I. Protecting our lives. Our liberties. Our freedoms.

Many, many have gone before. And many will go after.

They protect us from the Evil that exists in our world. Evil that has existed since the beginning of Time. It will be here until the end of Time. Evil in the form of Hitler, Stalin, Mao Ze-Dong and Hussein.

Too many people do not understand what that means. "Freedom Is Never Free." What it entails. They take it for granted and they criticize those that provide the very freedom which they live under.

I know what it means.

Every man and woman that has ever served the side of Good - you have my respect, admiration and support.

And for those that have specifically served America - it is your Greatness that defines us.


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

But you didn't like my Tukey Poop story. : (

You Better Yell Mutha Fucker!

Seriously, that is my word verification: YBYMF... hilarious!

Have you found a righteous chick to ruin yet? Hee, hee.

The Doctor said...

If we stand together we are united; divided we will fall. There are evils in this world that some believe will be pacified if we are just tolerant and accommodating enough, but they don't understand what evil is really about. Evil appreciates tolerance and accommodation because it makes it easier for that evil to be spread. Just look at what's happening in France, and how the media isn't really covering that anymore- they are willing to tolerate it, thinking that will make it get better, rather than investigating it and realizing and publicizing (sp?) what really is underlying the issue- those aren't just a bunch of bored, demarginalized teenagers, they hate the culture in which they live and are showing what they are loyal to. May that never happen here.

morbid misanthrope said...

Extremely well put.